Author: Robert Kulacz, DDS & Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Pages: 368
If you think root canals aren't anything to worry about (well, except for the possible discomfort and expense), a new book by Robert Kulacz, DDS and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD is a must-read. The Toxic Tooth: How a root canal could be making you sick delivers exactly what the title promises: A surprising, powerful exposé of one of dentistry's most common procedures.
Using scientific evidence that will be easily understood by both laymen and professionals, Kulacz and Levy explain why the root canal procedure is fundamentally flawed and how root canal-treated teeth introduce a steady stream of disease-promoting toxins into your body.
The authors also shine a revealing spotlight on why, despite the link between root-canal treated teeth and degenerative medical conditions like heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even cancer, mainstream dentistry and medicine have yet to acknowledge the connection. And don't worry; The Toxic Tooth also explains how you can "save your smile" without opening wide for a root canal.