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Few things are more frustrating than being knocked out by a cold when life is at its busiest. While it may seem inevitable to get sick in the winter months, avoiding colds and flus—or bouncing back quickly—is possible. That's how the body is designed!

The immune system is inherently resilient.

Resilience is defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. It means to bounce back after a rough go, and when it comes to immunity- resiliency is the key to avoiding a cold or flu this winter. 

Under normal conditions, the immune system can effortlessly adapt to an influx of germs and pathogens by mounting the appropriate defenses.

However, the modern environment takes a toll on our bodies, and many people experience some level of immunosuppression, increasing their susceptibility to seasonal infections. A healthy, robust immune system isn't the default anymore—it's something we build through daily habits like good sleep hygiene and smart dietary choices

Left unchecked, a suppressed immune system not only makes you more prone to colds and flus but also creates the perfect storm for chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and digestive issues to develop. Taking intentional action to create a resilient immune system this winter not only protects against short-term illnesses but also serves as the foundation for long-term health

Signs You Lack Immune Resilience 

We come into contact with and fight off thousands of pathogens a day. When our immune system is resilient, the immune response takes care of harmful microbes such as bacteria or viruses in a manner that leaves the body relatively unaffected- and actually makes it stronger in the long-run! 

The largest indicator that the immune system has lost resiliency is long-term inflammation. 

Inflammation and the immune system are closely linked. When inflammation persists long-term, it creates an environment conducive to disease, and it's a sign that the immune system is struggling.

Food sensitivities, frequent colds and upper respiratory tract infections, lingering colds,  recurring infections such as UTI’s and autoimmune conditions are also clues  that the homeostatic balance (AKA resilience) of the immune system is low. 

In an ideal world, getting sick once a year is normal, healthy, and even necessary for longevity. The caveat is that a cold or flu shouldn’t linger—your body should be able to naturally overcome it in just a few days.

Building Resilient Immunity 

Nutrition plays a key role in the state of the immune system. It can either support a healthy immune response or contribute to a suppressed/ non-resilient and struggling immune system- meaning you get sicker more often,  more intensely and for longer. 

  1. Increase Vegetable Intake 

Vegetables provide numerous benefits to the immune system and increasing intake is the single best action you can take to promote a resilient immune system. Why?.....

The fiber in vegetables supports a healthy microbiome, which has a profound impact on immune function.

Beyond fiber, vegetables are rich in phytochemicals, essential vitamins, and minerals that help create and sustain immune cells, ensuring they function effectively. These compounds are also naturally anti-inflammatory, which aids in restoring resilience to immune function.

1. Zinc

Numerous nutrients contribute to immune function, but zinc is among the most essential. As a trace nutrient, zinc has a global deficiency rate of 31%, and surprisingly, research indicates that individuals in developed countries have the highest rates of deficiency. In relation to immune function, zinc is needed to:

  • Generate an immune response to incoming viruses
  • Enhance the function of white blood cells
  • Maintain mucosal barrier integrity (first line immune defence) 
  • Manage inflammation, supporting a resilient immune system 


Incorporating zinc-rich foods such as oysters, red meat, pumpkin seeds & lentils into your diet can help support your immune health. We recommend supplementing with zinc if you’re prone to colds and flus! Our favourite is LifeChoice Zinc Picolinate, check it out! 

2. Vitamin C 

A well-known immune-boosting nutrient, Vitamin C is essential for immune protection. Studies show that higher plasma levels are associated with a decreased incidence of both acute and chronic diseases. It’s also commonly used as a corrective therapy for various immune-related conditions.

Why is Vitamin C so vital? Research highlights several key points:

  • Immune cells contain 50 times the concentration of Vitamin C compared to other cells
  • It directly targets viruses, helping the immune system remain vigilant for abnormalities
  • Vitamin C is crucial for the production of immune cells.

In fact, there are over 20 specific roles that Vitamin C plays in supporting immune function. Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C, known for its clinically proven high bioavailability and can help restore balance to your immune system- reducing susceptibility to seasonal infections! 

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for immune health, playing a crucial role in enhancing the body’s innate defense mechanisms. Here’s why maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels during the winter is important for immunity:

  • Low Vitamin D levels are strongly linked to an increased risk of chronic conditions and acute infections
  • Reduced serum Vitamin D can lead to a higher viral load during viral infections
  • Vitamin D helps regenerate the epithelial barrier
  • It assists in the maturation of immune cells
  • It activates internal antimicrobial compounds

Given the intricate relationship between Vitamin D and the immune system, supplementing with Vitamin D during the winter months may help prevent colds and flu. Check out our favorite option here!

Creating a resilient immune system is a top priority to get through the cold and flu season this winter, and to reduce your risk of chronic illness down the line. Check out our Basic Immune Bundle that contains zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D - so you can support your immune system and save $$$. Don’t forgot your veggies too!


Author: Lisa Kowalyk, CNP, B.Kin (hons) 

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