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Why Support the Liver: Detox Explained

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It’s a new month, new year and in this case a new decade. January often marks a time of renewal and rejuvenation, and it’s the time of year when we’re most inclined to make lifestyle changes. Cue detoxes, juice cleanses, teas and programs. The abundance of information out there can be overwhelming and deciding what is right for you can be hard to decipher. We get a lot of questions about detoxing this time of year- mostly do we need to do it, and what it is? Are supplements like glutathione and vitamin C needed? Read on to learn what a detox means! 

Is Detox Necessary? 

The short answer is yes. Our body does have a built-in detox system, however, like all systems, when overburdened it begins to become dysfunctional.  

Today’s world is filled with molecules that are harmful to the body, called toxins. Toxins are found all around us, including in our food (processed + pesticides), our water, in the air, personal care products, cookware, carpets, plastics, furniture and cleaning products. Toxins are so prevalent in modern life that the average person is exposed to 168 chemicals a day, and the average newborn has 282 chemicals detected in umbilical cord blood. 

Our world has evolved at a much faster rate than our body, and subsequent detox systems. Without a little help, these chemicals that aren’t good for us start to bioaccumulate in the body. While you’re not going to die from acute poisoning, toxins trigger an inflammatory response and predispose us to chronic disease down the line.

Signs You Need to Detox 

-      Irritability

-      Bloated

-      Fatigue

-      Anxiety

-      Cravings

-      Acne

-      Insomnia

-      Excess weight 


Detox Demystified 

The big question is, what does it mean to detox and how do you do it? Detox is a term loosely thrown around. First, detox is the process through which toxins get metabolized and excreted. The food we eat can help or hinder this process, and there are many organs involved. 

We can’t talk about detox without mentioning the liver. The liver is the seat of detoxification, the major hub, the holy grail. The liver essentially filters the blood and pulls out the chemicals that are not meant to be there. There are two major pathways in the liver (phase 1 and phase 2) that take toxins and make then safe to be excreted in the feces. 

Problems start to occur when the liver becomes overburdened and can’t keep up with the influx of toxins. The thing about toxins/chemicals is that they’re harmful to the body. Because of this they can’t stay free floating in the blood, so the body takes them into fat cells where they do less damage until the liver is caught up and able to process them. 

Due to our modern lifestyle, the liver is chronically overloaded, and never catches a break. Daily detox/liver support, mainly through diet is always recommended and helps repair the liver allowing it to function smoothly. 

A metabolic detox involves specific nutrients, supplements and lifestyle interventions. It supports the liver while increasing enzymes and mechanisms that up-regulate function of the detox pathways (phase 1 and 2). It also mobilizes toxins from fat issue and supports other organs such as the kidneys that are involved in the process. The benefits of a metabolic detox are profound, but it can be hard on the body and should be done short term.

How to Detox   

Whether you’re opting for a metabolic detox, daily liver support or somewhere in the middle- there are four basic principles to follow. 

Eliminate - Before all else, eliminate to the best of your ability new toxins coming in. The best way to do this is eliminating alcohol and processed foods.

Support Liver - Cruciferous vegetables support liver health (think broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, asparagus)

Protein - Protein is needed to bind to toxins so they can be excreted. Without adequate protein, toxic metabolites build up, causing more harm than the initial toxin.

Antioxidants – Detoxing can be hard on the body, antioxidants whether from food or supplements should always be included to offset the damage and protect tissues. 


How to Support the Liver

A simple yet effective plan that lies somewhere between liver support and a full blown metabolic detox looks like this: 

Lypo-Spheric® Glutathione 

Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C

AOR Liver Support


Parasite Purge 

No Processed foods

No Dairy 

No Gluten 

2-3 liters of water/day 

Ideally done for 14 days- 1 month! 



Why Glutathione and Vitamin C? 

Glutathione is the master antioxidant in the body, and its main function is to support the liver. Glutathione works on the phase 2 detox pathways in the liver and is needed to help excrete toxic chemicals. Glutathione is safe for everyday use is a great foundation of any detox program! 

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, that helps protect tissues as the toxins get transported to the liver and excreted through the feces. There are many antioxidants that have these effects, but vitamin C is a top contender because it helps restore and protect glutathione in the body. 


Vitamin C and Glutathione are a dynamic duo that together, support the body in both phases of detox. 

Liposomal glutathione is the only form of supplementation that has been shown to increase levels in the body. Our Lypo-Spheric™  Glutathione and Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C have high absorption rates, are bioavailable and work together  to bring you into a state of optimal health! 




Can Everyone do a Detox? 

Everyone can support the liver with dietary choices. However, those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, constipated or suffering from a serious illness such as cancer should not partake in a metabolic detox or variation of. 

This article is not intended as medical advice, always consult with your doctor or health care practitioner before starting a new health program. 


Author: Lisa Kowalyk, B.kin, CNP

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