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Vitamin C - Heart Health Link

In News

For the past 100 years or so, scientific articles have been flooding in showing the many risk factors for heart disease like elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and so on.  There is little if any doubt these risk factors contribute to heart disease, and when uncontrolled, appear to accelerate its development.  But there is one giant (elephant in the room) missing link.

In recent years cardiology collectively seems to have acknowledged that coronary atherosclerosis (arterial narrowing and blockages) never develop in the “absence of inflammation” in the coronary arterial wall.  Yes, the inflammation is there and acknowledge it must be minimized as best we can.  But the question never seems to be asked as to why the inflammation is there to begin with, assuming in many cases it was just the patient’s unlucky misfortune, lifestyle or heredity.

Most people, health-care practitioners included, believe that in the modern world we no longer see scurvy, a severe Vitamin C deficiency throughout the body, which is correct.  However, scurvy also occurs when parts of the body get ample amounts of Vitamin C, however, in other tissues and organs, Vitamin C is severely depleted.

This is known as focal scurvy, which often exists in individuals who appear to be otherwise completely healthy.  And where there is focal scurvy, there is focal inflammation.  Focal inflammation is actually a synonym for focal scurvy.  All chronic diseases are states of focal scurvy in the affected tissues and organs.

Normally, Vitamin C is present both inside and outside the cells and literally everywhere in the body.  Organs need it to function optimally.

Inflammation cannot exist where there is no Vitamin C deficiency.  Pathophysiologically, inflammation and Vitamin C deficiency are the same.  Inflammation is nothing more than increased oxidative stress.  Oxidative stress consumes a proportionate amount of Vitamin C.

And so why is there always inflammation and a state of focal scurvy in the coronary arterial walls?  The only common way for the coronary artery to become severely deficient in vitamin C is to have pathogenic microorganisms take root there and metabolically consume (oxidize) all, or nearly all of the vitamin C normally present.  When this occurs chronically, the result is chronic inflammation.

Again, the question is, where do these chronic pathogenic microorganisms originate?  Multiple studies now reveal that the blood vessel walls and the atherosclerotic plaques contain the same array of pathogens that are found in the infected gums.  Additionally, a much higher concentration of these pathogens has been found to be present in the blood clots that acutely and completely block off the coronary artery and cause the heart attack.

The chronic infection of root canal-treated teeth is the source of the coronary inflammation for most heart attack patients, probably 70% of the time.  Chronic gum disease probably accounts for another 20-25% of cases.  The remainder probably originate from infected tonsils or perhaps a chronically constipated and pathogen-proliferatiing gut.

By Peter Johnson


Dr. Thomas E. Levy

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